Hi Jane.. I buy my chickpeas dried, and so soak before cooking. I also rince several times before and during the cooking process. What I'm wondering if, if the final cooking water would work to make your delicious aqua faba brownies?

I've been cooking with you for years. Ever since you were on 2fm with a weekly slot if think?

Many thanks for making my life more interesting 💖

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What a lovely message! Hi Kate! I'm thrilled to see you in this space, cooking together!

Yes, home cooked chickpeas are so much tastier, cheaper, and more sustainable. It's a great habit you've developed! With regard to aqua faba with home-cooked chickpeas, the ratio of protein to water in the aqua faba is, in fact, very difficult to achieve. This won't matter so much for my aqua faba brownie recipe, but DOES matter for the meringue recipe. It's trial and error I'm afraid. You're looking for a gloopy bean water. Soaking the chickpease before cooking is great (rinsing before cooking). But I wouldn't rinse during the cooking process if you're planning to use the aqua faba.

Let me know how you get on! I have loads of recipes for aqua faba treats, most of which you will be able to use your home cooked bean juice. The meringue recipe is the trickiest and probably more contrary than the other recipes!

Have a lovely weekend, pottering in your kitchen!


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